Those who remember the beer strike in Newfoundland and Labrador in 1985 (if I have my dates right) will surely remember Old Milwaukee ... which quickly gained the nickname "Old Millwater" from less-than-impressed consumers who nonetheless took to the U.S. import as a crutch while the strike dragged on.
Charitably, Old Milwaukee is called a "bargain" brand .. a polite way of saying that's it cheap, and there's a reason for it.
I haven't paid much attention to the brand at all until I read that Will Ferrell, of all people, is not only doing commercials for Old Milwaukee (apparently out of affection for the label), but that they're airing in just a few markets. Have a look at one of them - it was probably done on a shoestring, but Ferrell makes the timing of a 30-second spot work right till the last split-second.
I believe the brewers strike was in '86
Posted by: Corey Quilliam | Wednesday, March 21, 2012 at 23:13
It could very well be. The years blend together!
Posted by: John Gushue | Thursday, March 22, 2012 at 09:05
The infamous Newfoundland Beer Drought was a strike/lock-out that ran from April 1st of 1985 until November. Supplies of our beloved Labatt, Molsons and Carling suds were running out by mid to late May, whereupon the NLC began importing vast quantities of American swill to sell (at outrageously inflated prices)to an ever increasingly thirsty public! Old Mil-runny (along with Lone Star, Pabst Blue Ribbon and Schlitz) seemed to be the most common brands available. It was feared, that once our Beer Strike ended that Nflders would have developed a taste for Yankee Suds and not return to their fave local brews ... but when the drought was over in November of that year, return they did, with the NLC having to sell their left-over American beer at rock-bottom prices just to get rid of it. I remember going to a Strike End celebration party in late Nov. of '85 where everyone hoisted their fave Labatt, Molsons of Carling beer while spraying into the air (and over each other) tins of 'Merican ale ...
Posted by: P. Kendall | Thursday, August 16, 2012 at 10:55